Removing Strain Under Your Chin

Hey there! So, a lot of us struggle with that pesky strain under our chinny chin chin while singing, right? Well, there are a couple of ways to kick it to the curb. You know that muscle called hyoglossus? Yeah, it's responsible for retracting the tongue, and when it acts up, it causes all that strain.

But fear not! The secret is activating the antagonist muscle. You gotta push the tip of your tongue against the back bottom teeth, like really push it hard. It may sound a bit weird, but trust me, it works wonders in releasing that tension.

Now, let's apply this technique during your vocal exercises and even songs. Whenever you feel the strain creeping in, give your tongue a good push against those teeth. Sure, you might sound a little off, but remember, we're aiming for release, not perfection.

Here's a cool tip: if you want a balanced voice, swing that pendulum, my friend. If you're straining too much, push your tongue out to counteract the retraction. It's all about finding that sweet middle ground.

Believe me, this technique is a game-changer. We've seen it work wonders for so many singers we've taught. It's a quick way to banish that annoying chin strain and get better results faster.

So, give it a try and let that strain vanish into thin air. You'll be amazed at the difference it makes. Sing on, my friend!


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