Singing Better for Guys: The Roadmap to Vocal Improvement

Have you ever dreamed of singing better, perhaps even making hit records? Well, today is your lucky day! In this article, we will explore the essential roadmap for guys who want to learn to sing and improve their vocal abilities. Whether you're a beginner or already have some singing experience, mastering three fundamental elements—breathing, pitch accuracy, and tone—can help you develop a minimum viable voice and open doors to success in today's music industry.

Foundation 1: Breathing

To begin your singing journey, let's focus on the foundation—breathing. Breathing control is crucial for maintaining steady airflow while singing. A quick exercise to improve this is practicing a controlled exhale. Inhale deeply and release a steady stream of airflow while making a "ts" sound. Aim to keep the volume consistent and relatively quiet. Challenge yourself by maintaining this exercise for 20-30 seconds or even longer. You'll notice improved stability in your voice when you sing.

Foundation 2: Pitch Accuracy

Pitch accuracy refers to your ability to control your vocal cords and produce the right notes. To enhance your pitch accuracy, a comprehensive approach is necessary. While I can't delve into all the exercises here, it involves practicing melodies and scales in a specific progression, isolating the variable of pitch. Additionally, using visual feedback, such as technology that provides real-time pitch analysis, helps you gauge your pitch in relation to perfect pitch. This combination of techniques can lead to rapid improvement in your pitch accuracy.

Foundation 3: Tone

Your tone is the sound quality of your voice—the way it resonates and projects. To enhance your tone, it's crucial to release tension in your throat and mouth. Many guys, including myself, tend to hold tension in these areas, resulting in a strained or constricted sound. Here are two exercises you can start doing immediately to release tension:

  1. Release Jaw Tension: Perform an NG exercise by placing the back of your tongue against the roof of your mouth, allowing all the air to flow through your nose. Open and close your mouth while making the NG sound. This exercise helps disassociate tense jaw muscles from vocalization.

  2. Release Tongue Tension: Focus on releasing tension in the tongue, particularly the overactive hyoglossus muscle that retracts the tongue back. Vocalize while creating a circular humming motion, pushing your tongue slightly forward. Repeat this exercise until you feel a significant release of tongue tension.

By incorporating these exercises into your routine, you can gradually release tension and unlock the full potential of your vocal tone.

Emotional Connection:

In addition to mastering the technical aspects of singing, it's vital to learn how to emotionally connect with your audience. Many successful entrepreneurs, who are often analytical and logical thinkers, struggle with emotional expression. However, connecting emotionally is essential if you want people to be moved by your singing. Consider it the "law of emotional transference." Although we can't delve deep into this topic here, it's something worth exploring to take your singing to the next level.


With the three foundational elements—breathing, pitch accuracy, and tone—under your belt, along with the ability to emotionally connect, you'll have what I call a "minimum viable voice." This means you'll have the necessary skills to start recording songs and pursuing your musical aspirations. In today's music industry, you don't need to be a Pavarotti to find success; a minimum viable voice can take you far. So, embrace this exciting time and get ready to embark on your singing journey. Remember, it's never too late to start singing better and make your musical dreams come true!

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