I Almost Quit: Why Learning To Sing Is So Difficult & How I Made It Easier

You know, when I first started singing, I absolutely sucked at the beginning. I was trying to learn, but it felt incredibly difficult. I would often wonder why it was so hard for me and what was wrong with me. I would look at amazing singers on social media while sitting behind my computer, playing video games or coding. Little did I know that many people feel the same way when learning to sing. It took me 14 years to understand why it was so challenging back then. So, let's dive into this journey of self-discovery and structured learning.

Section 1: The Frustrating Beginning

When I embarked on my singing journey, I would constantly ask myself why it was so hard. The difficulty seemed insurmountable, and I couldn't grasp why. At times, I felt lonely and longed to be like my favorite singers.

Section 2: The Importance of Structure

After years of struggling, I realized that the key to overcoming the challenges of learning to sing lies in avoiding overwhelming the brain. Singing requires creating connections between the mind and vocal cords, establishing neural pathways. Contrary to popular belief, you don't have to be born with a great voice. As adults, our brains are still capable of learning, albeit at a slightly slower pace.

Section 3: The Need for a Methodical Approach

To prevent overwhelming the brain, it's crucial to adopt a methodical and structured approach to learning. It's not just about following a structure; it's about simplifying the process for the mind. By breaking down an amazing voice into eight components and learning them in a specific order, you can isolate and focus on each skill individually. Learn more about the eight components here.

Section 4: Developing Meaningful Connections

Creating meaningful connections in the mind is vital for progress. It involves allowing sufficient time for the brain to learn and internalize each component before moving on to the next one. Rather than haphazardly jumping between different aspects of singing, a structured approach ensures steady improvement.

Section 5: The Step-by-Step Journey

The journey to mastering singing begins with breathing, followed by learning pitch and tone as the foundation. Next, you expand your vocal range and connect it smoothly. Then, you work on volume dynamics and agility throughout your range, including riffs and runs. Finally, you explore style, but only after establishing meaningful connections in each component.


Learning to sing can be challenging, but with a structured approach and the right mindset, it becomes an enjoyable journey of self-discovery. Overcoming the initial frustrations and avoiding overwhelming the brain are essential steps toward progress. So, whether you're a beginner or someone who's been struggling for years like me, take it step by step, focus on one component at a time, and watch your singing abilities flourish. Remember, it's never too late to learn and improve your voice. Happy singing!

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