Why Obsessing Over Mixed Voice / High Notes Might Not Be Worth It

So, okay, we're talking about mixed voice. Now I'm gonna have a bit of a contrarian approach to this. A lot of people, me included at the beginning of my journey, get obsessed with mixed voice. I wasn't at the beginning of my journey. Like five years in, I literally became obsessed. If you don't know my story, let me tell you.

My Journey from a Terrible Singer to Mixed Voice Obsession

I sucked at singing. I was so bad. I was coding video games stuck behind my computer all day. If I wasn't coding video games, I was playing video games. I had no friends. In my loneliest moments, I'd look to my favorite singers, and it was at that point that I was like, "Man, I want to do this with my life." That's what motivated me to get on the journey of learning. Well, five years in, I became obsessed with mixed voice. I studied it for about three years straight, just obsessed. Every exercise you hear about nasal, you hear about teamwork, you hear about all kinds of stuff. There are all kinds of methods around getting into mixed voice. I've tried them all, and I do teach mixed voice. And if you want my method, you can check out my course.

Your Listeners Don't Care About Mixed Voice

But what I want to talk to you today is that I wish somebody told me is that while you are obsessing over mixed voice, there are plenty of singers right now that are just stunting on you, like Post Malone, who couldn't give two cares. And he is the top artist. Your listeners, if your goal is to actually do well with music, don't care and don't know if you are in mixed voice. And majority of the time, your mixed voice isn't even gonna sound as ideal to your listeners. Even if you spend years and years working on it, you could have just taken it down a couple keys.

The Importance of a Holistic Approach

Learn mixed voice. I'm not saying don't learn mixed voice. It's super important to connect your range. Chest voice, mixed voice, head voice, and maybe even getting into whistle, all of those are very, very important. We need to learn those things. But don't become obsessed. Become obsessed with your actual goal. And unless your goal is academics, why are you so obsessing over one area of the voice that no one really cares about? If you're actually just trying to go viral as a singer, learn it. It will come, but don't obsess over it.

The Eight Components of a Great Voice

I would argue that goes for any component that makes up a great voice. I talk about the eight components: breathing, pitch accuracy, tone, range, connecting your range (mixed voice), adding volume dynamics and stability, adding agility, and vocal style. Think like a Billy Eilish, where they hear your voice, they know it's you. But take Billy Eilish, for example. Is she known for her mixed voice belts? No. She's not known for that. Yet so many singers become obsessed with one component of the voice, like mixed voice. So, I want to give you permission to just move on.

The Journey Beyond Mixed Voice

If you're struggling with mixed voice right now, it's a huge hot topic in the learning to sing community. Have a more holistic approach. Unless your goal is to be the mixed voice guy or girl, develop a holistic voice.

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